Veisiejai Regional Park

Veisiejai Regional Park is a protected area, established the Lithuanian Supreme Council of the Restoration Parliament in 1992. September 24. Resolution No. I-2913, the regional parks and sanctuaries establishment "(Official Gazette, 1992, no. 30-913) to preserve Šlavantai - Veisiejai - Kapčiamiestis Lakeland, vol. y. intersecting hilly valley system, botanical particularly valuable Liūnelis and Šlavantėlis Lakes between the lakes, cultural heritage, including Veisiejai urban complex Vainežeris defenses, Dir. ,, Okopka " Šlavantai mound of ancient settlement and so on. Veisiejai Regional Park is located in southern Lithuania Lazdijai municipality. Surface area - 12,259.12 ha. Forests occupy 51.64% of the area of ​​agricultural land - 33.78%, water - 12.56%, built-up areas - 1,52%, other land - 0.29%, 0.21% to the vacant territory. Conservation priority area consists of three nature reserves: Liubelis, Liūnelis and luminance, 6 natural reserves: Ringėliškė botanical, zoological park, botanical Morkavas - Zoological Sanctuary, Ilgininkai hydrological reserve, Baltoji Ančia hydrological reserve, Ančia landscape reserve, Šlavantai landscape reserve, 1 cultural - Veisiejai urban reserve, the founding objectives are: Liūnelis Nature Reserve - to preserve the unique (by protected species abundance) in areas with rare plant species listed in the Red Book of Lithuania, site;
Liubelis Nature Reserve - to save the forests and swamps surrounded lakes, numerous orchid and other plant-growing areas of marsh, bird places of residence;
Luminance Nature Reserve - save calcareous lakeside marsh with the recommendations contained in the Lithuanian Red Data Book of rare and endangered plants - marsh saxifrage, Fen orchid - growth places;
Ringėliškė botanical - zoological reserve - in order to preserve the mature spruce, oak, hornbeam stands in the Lithuanian Red Data Book of birds - Honey-buzzard, Lesser Spotted Eagle, Green Woodpecker breeding places;
Morkavas Botanical - Zoological Reserve - to save a large variety of mammals and rare plants, featuring natural, overgrown with reed through wooded areas Morkavas flowing stream;
Baltoji Ančia hydrographical reserve - save Baltoji Ančia River valley, lakes and waterfowl nesting areas;
Ilgininkai hydrographical reserve - save hilly valley system, lake marsh origin with a reduced prevalence of carbonate slopes Geranio - Anemonetum sylvestris anemones communities, orchid species - sika, marsh Epipactis - growth places, Tripod Lake backwaters, which are suitable for different kinds of birds and mammals live;
Ančia landscape - save South Lithuania in shape, stretched north - south direction Ančia Lake valley, the northern edge of the meadows, where abounds in various kinds of Dactylorhiza baltica, Dactylorhiza maculata, Dactylorhiza russowii, Vainežeris ancient fortifications, the former Vainežeris. Manor fragments with dendrology park Mėčiūnai ancient village Dainaviškiai Stakliškės with southern exposure slopes dry grasslands and small swamps near them are suitable for various types of insects to breed, as well as the standard pine stands with a rich berry plants resources, characteristic of the forests of southern ornithofauna in the Red Book of Lithuania recorded birds - black kite, Goosander nesting sites, numerous lake backwaters on a peninsula, for the different kinds of water birds and mammals to breed and live;
Šlavantai landscape - save hilly landscape with a deep Vilnia Šlavantai Lake valley, scientifically valuable sediment surface complexes;
Veisiejai Urban Reserve - to preserve the town's historic center Veisiejai urban (elective, three-dimensional, volumetric), the structure of the traditional territory and all of its individual building plots of the type (s), it contains objects of cultural heritage, their environment and traditional architectural expression.
Ecological protection zone consists of 10 priority areas, recreational priority - 14 sites, Forest - 5, Residential Zone - 3 territories. Buffer zone formed in the western part of the park and covers 642 hectares.
The Veisiejai Regional Park total area covered Veisiejai city; Veisiejai Neighborhood: ducks, Barco, Bartel, Beaver, Bertašiūnai, Dvarciškė, Ilgininkai, Jakon, fur, Kuolonys, Murgeliai, Novartiškė, Pšeima, ore, Salučiai, Snaigynas, Šilainė; Šlavantai neighborhood : Cuckoo, Kanauka; Kapčiamiestis Neighborhood: Dumbliauskas, Jezdas, Vainežeris villages. Part of the area covered Veisiejai Neighborhood: Čivonys, Dainaviškiai, Gudeliai, Juškonys, hillock, Klepočiai, Neliūbonys, Purviškė, Pateriai, Radvilonys, Senkonys, Taikūnai, Stankūnai, Šlavantai Neighborhood: noble, Šlavantai, Kapčiamiestis Neighborhood: Kapčiamiestis twn., Jančiuliai, Mėčiūnai, Padumbliai, Valentin villages. The park area is 891 Farmstead, 2788 permanent residents (2012-01-01 data).

Veisiejai Regional Park