Meteliai Regional Park
The Meteliai Regional Park was established on 24 September, 1992 with the aim to preserve the landscape of the great lakes of southern Lithuania as well as their surroundings, natural eco-system, and values of cultural heritage.
The purpose of the Meteliai Regional Park is as follows:
To preserve the landscape of the pool of the great lakes of southern Lithuania with lakes of Dusia, Metelys and Obelija as well as with their surroundings; the unique moraine solid of Teizai, and the solid of peripheral moraines in Žagariai surroundings;
To preserve the values of cultural heritage, from them – complexes of mounds and street villages;
To preserve the stability of natural eco-system, unique fauna and flora, important places of rest and sitting of water birds during their migration;
To restore destroyed and violated natural and cultural complexes and objects;
To carry out researches and observations, to gather information on protection of ecology, cultural heritage, and other spheres;
To capacitate the development of cognitive tourism and rest in particular zones and places;
To regulate economic activity as well as development of urbanisation according to a planning scheme of the regional park;
To pursue educative and cultural activities, to propagate natural and cultural heritage as well as its protection.