Homestead-museum of Pranas Dzūkas in 1970 was founded by Algirdas Savulis, the chairman of former kolkhoz Jaunoji Gvardija. At that time extensive melioration works were taking place in Lazdijai region – families from remote villages and steadings were being relocated to kolkhoz settlements. Then the chairman decided to leave one rather typical regional homestead of that time and to collect the exposition of ancient household items, furniture, tools, by preserving the authentic Dzūkian lifestyle. Currently over 550 ethnographic exhibits are collected here.
The homestead consists of house, barn, stockyard, old cow-house and smithy. The exposition reflects authentic Dzūkian lifestyle in the beginning of XXth century.
Every summer in homestead for 7 days is held ethnographic children camp. During that time kids familiarize with old Dzūkian crafts, cooking heritage, herbs. Kids are taught to throw and burn clay jars. They sing old-time songs and games